
Let's talk about Heart disease & Stroke


The second edition of The Heart Truth Fashion Show Calgary took place last Saturday (April 26, 2014) and I had the opportunity to be part of it.
Basically The Heart Truth Calgary Fashion Show is dedicated to creating awareness and raising funds in style for The Heart and Stroke Foundation100% of proceeds are donated.

The Heart Truth is the Heart and Stroke Foundation’s signature awareness campaign which increases understanding among women on ways to reduce their risk of heart disease and stroke, and give them the tools they need to protect themselves. Heart disease and stroke is a leading cause of death in Canadian Women. Fifty percent of people who have a heart attack or stroke will have one symptom, death! The Heart Truth campaign aims to change this outcome and save the one in three Canadian women’s lives.
For more information on the campaign please visit www.thehearttruth.ca

The venue was at Eight Avenue Place Downtown Calgary. Doors opened at 7:00 pm, the show started at 9:00 pm and ended at 10:00 pm with a closing reception at Belgo. The decor was very chic, and the red balloons reminded me of Valentine's day.

IG: @hearttruthyyc  Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheHeartTruthCalgary

Before the show

Warning Signs

Heart Attack
  1. Chest discomfort (uncomfortable chest pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain, burning or heaviness)
  2. Discomfort in other areas of the upper body (neck, jaw, shoulder, arms, back)
  3. Nausea
  4. Shortness of breath
  5. Light-headedness
  1. Weakness: Sudden loss of strength or sudden numbness in the face, arm or leg, even if temporary
  2. Trouble speaking: Sudden difficulty speaking or understanding or sudden confusion, even temporary
  3. Vision problems: Sudden trouble with vision, even if temporary
  4. Headache: Sudden severe and unusual headache
  5. Dizziness: Sudden loss of balance, especially with any of the above signs.

The Red Dress Showcase

What is the Red Dress?
The Red Dress is the official symbol of The Heart Truth campaign. It’s feminine, strong and confident, capturing the spirit of the cause in a symbol that women across Canada can identify with and feel proud of. It represents Courage and Passion.

Twelve designers donated their time and talent to create these fashions:
Ruby Johnson, Lare Presber, Marsina King, Tracey Wardkerr, Danielle Cameron, Haitem Elkadiki, Malika Rajani, Nicole Rita Tomney, Mackenzie Jones, Belissima Fashion...

The first model (Sandra Thornton) is a surviver of a Heart attack and the last model (Anne Bosman 85 years-old) is a two time stroke survivor.
Photos by me
Once again it was an amazing fashion experience, thank you to the organizers of this event. I enjoyed it and I am more informed about Heart and Stroke, which are the most common cause of death in my original country too. I think it is a good thing to know the warning signs so we can take care of our health and even save other people life.
Special thanks to Alena J. Schock - Shahr Savizi - Breanne Dillabough - Jacqueline Tyler
"The truth is, the greatest love story of all, is the one she has with her heart" 
Take Care of your Heart

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  1. Great pictures it must have been a great day! Beautiful pictures <3


  2. Quelle chance de pouvoir participer à de tels évènements! Superbes photos :)

  3. The Heart Truth is the Heart and Stroke Foundation’s signature awareness campaign which increases understanding among women on ways to reduce.



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