
Vancouver Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2014 Part 2


Photo credit: Aaron Sha

One of my goal this year was to attend a Fashion week, and I was honoured to volunteer for VFW. 
It was a great experience for me, I really enjoyed it and the staff members were all awesome. 

March 24th was the last day (Day 7) of VFW, the place was packed with a vibrant and eclectic vibe. 
Here are more pictures of Vancouver Fashion Week F/W 2014 to make you feel like you were here; designers collections, backstage, before the shows,...

Before the show

Soojin Lee


Break time, selfie time

Noe Bernacelli

Break time again...


To finish...
VFW was great. Thanks to all the organisation teams, they treated us very well! And we went home with lots of goodies from the sponsors :)

Photos of me by Aaron Sha
Photos of the show by me

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