
Happy One Year Anniversary


Heels check here
The Blossom Muse has one-year-old today, time flies. 
My blogging experience has been fun and challenging at the same time. Let's be realistic,
blogging is not easy at ALL. It requires a lot of diligence and consistency in the contents you share. 
For most bloggers it is not our main activity in life, some are students, moms, wives or/and have a full-time job. We always have to come up with new ideas and make them happen.

I am so thankful for Independent Fashion Blogger which is an amazing online community for fashion bloggers that look to build a better blogging experience. I read lots of tips on this platform, the articles are very interesting and helpful. It is always a pleasure to navigate on the website. Thank you IFB's team you are doing a great job. 

I am still a beginner,  I am learning in the process everyday but the most important is I am having fun doing this and I discovered many aspects about myself. I believe in "Practice makes Perfect". I have a lots to work on and I thank my friends and family that remind me "The secret to getting ahead is getting started" and "we don't need to be great to start, we need to start to be great."

Big thanks to all my readers around the world especially from these 5 main countries: 

Thanks to those who take their time to leave a comment on my blog and social media, I appreciate it.
I would like to reward a reader for her enthusiasm, that generous person is Lucète from Lulu's day89 blog from France. I am going to mail her a surprise. 

For those who haven't yet, follow my blog on Google+, social media, share my posts, comments.
I have lots of things to show you in this fashion journey and I would like to hear from you. 

You can also email me at theblossommuse@gmail.com for any questions.
Twitter: @theblossommuse
Instagram: @theblossommuse

Take Care and Dream Big!

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  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Diane, tu fais du bon boulot avec ton blog :)


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